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The Significance of Air Filter Replacement

Filters serve various purposes in our lives, but when it comes to HVAC systems, furnace filters stand out as exceptionally vital. These filters do more than enhance indoor air quality; their primary role is to safeguard the internal components of your heating system, promoting its longevity and efficient operation.

Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning explains why furnaces and other forced-air heating systems incorporate filters and how replacing your filter can reduce the likelihood of furnace or heat pump repair

Decreases the Chances of HVAC Issues

Blocked air filters consistently stand as a primary culprit behind HVAC system issues. Despite their modest size and cost, these components wield significant influence on overheating and cooling system efficiency. They also play a crucial role in enhancing indoor air quality (IAQ) and reducing overall HVAC expenses.

Frequent replacement of your HVAC system’s air filters can enhance home comfort, promote resident well-being, and extend the lifespan of your heating and cooling equipment. Receiving HVAC maintenance guarantees you won’t overlook essential tune-ups.

Prevent HVAC Freezing or Overheating 

Fully clogged air filters can lead to freezing and overheating issues due to reduced air circulation and heightened system strain. Neglecting this affordable component may lead to costly and potentially extensive repairs. In cases where heaters or air conditioners are approaching the end of their lifespans, this added stress can even lead to system failure.

Prevent Your System from Overworking

A forced-air heating and cooling system is engineered to propel air through a building’s ducts for distribution to various zones or rooms. As air flows through these systems, it initially passes through the air filter, allowing it to trap and collect tiny particles like dust, dirt, and pet dander. Consequently, the air released through the vents is relatively pure.

However, as filters accumulate dirt over weeks or months of use, the system’s blower fan must exert more effort to push air through the ducts. Filters that go unchanged or are infrequently replaced tend to amass visible lint-like debris, including larger elements like bits of insulation, pet hair, loose carpet fibers, and more. The thicker the buildup on the filter, the more strain and workload on the blower fans. This can result in increased wear on all system components, reduced indoor comfort, and higher energy costs.

How Frequently Should You Replace Your Air Filter?

Consider changing your air filter every 1-3 months, depending on your heater’s usage intensity. The method for replacing the filter depends on your furnace model and the filter type it employs. Numerous furnaces utilize disposable filters that require replacement with new ones from Melton’s heating. Your furnace’s manual should identify the filter type and provide the precise dimensions for replacement if it’s disposable.

Do You Require Furnace or Heat Pump Repair? Contact Us! If you are encountering issues with replacing the air filter of your furnace or heat pump, trust the services of our expert technicians at Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning. Reach out to our professionals to learn more!

Benefits of Ductless Air Conditioners and Installing Them

The world is shifting to more efficient and environmentally friendly solutions for day-to-day living. Among these innovations, ductless air conditioning systems are a significant breakthrough for home cooling. Let’s explore the many advantages of these systems and why you should consider ductless air conditioning installation

They Do Heating and Cooling

Unlike traditional systems built to cool or heat, ductless air conditioners are capable of both. With a simple flip of a switch, you can go from cooling your room during a hot summer day to warming it up on a chilly winter night. This 2-in-1 feature provides excellent flexibility and saves costs on having separate systems.

Much Better Energy Efficiency

Ductless air conditioners are renowned for their energy efficiency. These units reduce energy waste by directing airflow precisely where it’s needed. Since there are no ducts, there’s no energy loss through leakages, leading to savings on your electricity bill. Opting for a ductless air conditioner means a more intelligent, greener choice for your home.

Custom Comfort by Room

Each room in your home or office may have different temperature needs. A ductless system allows for precise control, with individual thermostats in each room or zone. Whether you want your bedroom cooler or your living room a bit warmer, ductless air conditioners offer the flexibility to create custom comfort throughout your space.

No Need for Complicated Duct Systems

Traditional air conditioning systems require a complex network of ducts, which can be expensive and time-consuming to install and maintain. You’ll be free from the hassles of ductwork with ductless air conditioners. Installation is faster, and there’s no need to worry about cleaning or repairing ducts. This streamlined approach is another reason why many homeowners are turning to ductless solutions.

Contact Melton’s Heating and Air Conditioning for Air Conditioning Installation and AC Unit Repair Services

If you’re considering switching to a ductless air conditioning system, it’s time to get in touch with Melton’s Heating and Air Conditioning. With years of experience in air conditioning installation and AC unit repair services, our team of professionals can handle any home cooling needs. Contact us to learn more and get AC unit repair and air conditioning installation in Salem.

HVAC Tips and Tricks for New Homeowners

One of the features that attracted you to your new home is the HVAC system, and as such, you’ll want to maximize the unit’s life. Here are tips and tricks to ensure your HVAC system works optimally.

Review Your HVAC Unit’s History

Do you have a mini-split system, boiler, central air conditioning, or a heat pump? It would help if you learned how your house is heated and cooled. The following are some things you need to know about your HVAC unit.

● Age of the unit: If your home is more than 10-15 years old, there is a likelihood that your HVAC system is old. You need to confirm the age of your system, as old HVAC units can give you a lot of problems.

● SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) or EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio)

● AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) or HSPF (Heating Seasonal Performance Factor).

● Inspection Reports: Request the former homeowner for inspection results for the HVAC system. The reports will help you know if the system has had any problems in the past. You will also know what to expect with the unit.

● Warranty: If the HVAC system still has a warranty, understand the terms and conditions of the warranty.

Air Conditioning Installation for a New System

Installing a new HVAC system is not a DIY project. Hiring professional air conditioning installers with the necessary expertise and experience to handle the air conditioning installation process is crucial. Professional installers have the right tools, knowledge, and training to install your new system correctly and safely. They can also help you choose the right HVAC system for your home, ensuring you get the most efficient and cost-effective option.

DIY AC Maintenance

At your new home, you can take steps to maintain your HVAC system. These include changing air filters as often as needed to maintain good HVAC efficiency and removing debris and weeds around the outdoor unit. It would help to seal your home to prevent drafts since this can cause you to use your HVAC system more.

Have a programmable thermostat installed to decrease the energy your HVAC system uses when you’re not home. Using curtains or other window coverings can also help you run your HVAC system less often, reducing wear and tear.

Need AC Unit Repair? Give Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning a Call Today!

Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning has years of experience repairing air and heaters. We also specialize in air conditioning installation, maintenance, heating repairs, and attic insulation services. Delivering quality HVAC services at an affordable price is always a priority. Our team is happy to answer all your questions, and we pride ourselves on providing the best customer service.

Feel free to call Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning today to learn more about our AC unit repair & HVAC services!

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