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air conditioning installation salem

The Benefits of Professional Air Conditioning Installation

If you’re a DIY home repair expert, the idea of taking on your own central air conditioning installation project might seem attractive. However, there are a lot of moving parts and unless you’ve been professionally trained, it might not always go as planned.

That’s why the team of AC unit repair experts from Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning has collected some important insight for you here about the benefits of professional AC installation!

No Additional Legwork On Your Part

air conditioning installation salem
Air Conditioning Installation Salem

One of the foremost advantages of professional air conditioning installation is that you don’t have to do any of the planning or installation work. In fact, in many places, you may be required to obtain permits to install a new air conditioner, which a reliable AC installation company will take care of for you.

No Manual Labor

Sometimes, installing a new air conditioning system is easier said than done. Installation teams are often required to lift heavy equipment, crawl into hard-to-reach spaces, and, even poor concrete. But when you leave it to the pros you don’t need to worry about any of it.

Professional Maintenance

When you hire a professional AC repair and installation company, many of them will offer continued maintenance programs to ensure you get the most out of your new air conditioning system. Proactive maintenance is one of the best ways to catch issues before they grow out of control, as well as prevent costly breakdowns in the future.

Efficient Installation

In addition to some of the drawbacks of DIY air conditioning installation mentioned above, it can also take much longer to do it on your own. However, most AC experts can install your new system within a few hours or a day at the most, unless ductwork is also needed. You may also want to consider investing in a ductless AC system, which is more compact and much easier to install than central air.

Contact us today for air conditioning installation in Salem and more! For AC installation, repairs, and heating solutions Contact Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning Inc online today or call (503) 378-7482.

Is It Time to Install a New A/C System in Portland, OR?

Nothing lasts forever, and that’s certainly true of air conditioning systems.  A/C units are built to run for years, but with so many moving parts, they will wear out sooner or later. Eventually, you’ll start having more and more problems and having to call for A/C unit repair more often. 

air conditioning and heat pump unit system fan cooling pump

So, is it time to bite the bullet and start looking into a new air conditioning installation to replace your old unit?  Here are some red flags that it’s no longer worth trying to keep your old A/C unit running.

Seven Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your A/C Rather Than Repairing It

1 – It’s older than twenty years

Twenty years is the maximum lifespan you can typically expect from even a well-installed and well-maintained air conditioning system. If your A/C sees a lot of use, that could be as low as 10-15 years. Plus, HVAC technology is always advancing and becoming more energy-efficient, so older models are also wasting electricity.

Past a point, trying to maintain an older A/C just isn’t worth it, and installing a new model will bring lower electric bills to help offset the cost.

2 – You don’t have a heat pump

To expand on that point about better efficiency, it’s worth highlighting the virtues of heat pumps. Heat pumps are now becoming the standard HVAC system in houses because these systems have vastly reduced electrical needs, while also providing both heating and cooling in a single unit. A typical heat pump can be 300% more efficient, or even more, compared to older technologies.

Even if your A/C isn’t that old, upgrading to a heat pump can vastly reduce your climate control energy costs and quickly pay for the upgrade via ongoing savings. Plus, in many cases, you can qualify for rebates or tax breaks for installing one, which further reduces the costs.

3 – Your A/C runs on freon

For decades, freon was the standard coolant for HVAC systems, but freon has been found to be very bad for the environment, with every freon leak adding to climate change problems. As such, freon use was phased out during 2010-20, and its use was legally ended in 2020, with a full ban on manufacture and importation.

So beyond environmental concerns, freon-based A/C units are going to become increasingly expensive to maintain as freon becomes rarer and more expensive. This will drive up maintenance costs on older units going forward. Soon, refilling the freon in US air conditioners will become nearly impossible.

4 – You’re spending too much on A/C unit repairs

It’s a good idea to call in an A/C maintenance specialist once a year to do a check-up on your system and fix any minor issues – but you really shouldn’t have to call for repairs more often than that. If you find yourself having to call for A/C maintenance every few months, that’s an unnecessary cost – and it’s likely to just keep becoming more costly over time. 

Eventually, older HVAC systems will just become a money pit.

5 – Your indoor and outdoor units are mismatched

Often, if a homeowner is looking to save money, they might replace either their indoor or outdoor unit, but not at once. While this does work, it results in an inherently inefficient system. The older unit will always have worse performance than the newer appliance.

Also, manufacturers typically design their indoor and outdoor units to work together for the best efficiency. Mixing and matching manufacturers, which is common when only replacing one unit, will also waste energy and money.

6 – You want to upgrade to smart climate control systems

Modern “smart” thermostats are great for giving you more control over your home’s climate and give you even more options to reduce energy waste. However, they may not work well with older units.  Upgrading your HVAC system, then giving it a smart thermostat to match, can have excellent results.

7 – You plan to keep living in your house for several more years

We know, people are moving around a lot. If you’re going to move in the next year or two, it might not be worth the extra cost of a new HVAC system, since even high-efficiency models will need a few years to pay for themselves. However, if you are settled and know you’ll be around for a while, it’s not worth the hassle of putting up with an old or poorly maintained HVAC. You’ll be happier if you upgrade. Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning are your Portland, OR, specialists for HVAC systems of all types. If your current system is too old, broken, or inefficient, contact us for a free consultation on your upgrade options!

Is A Ductless Mini Split Heat Pump Right for My Home?

If you’re looking for the most energy-efficient way to heat and cool your Salem, OR, home, there’s no better option than heat pumps. Heat pumps are genuinely excellent devices and far more efficient than any other Heating and Cooling system in nearly all situations, so it’s little wonder they’re becoming the new standard in home climate control.

Mini Split Heat Pump
Mini Split Heat Pump

There are two basic types of heat pumps: traditional ducted units and smaller “mini-split” heat pumps, which are gaining popularity. In this article, we wanted to discuss ductless mini split heat pumps and why they might be right for you.

What Is a Ductless Mini Split Heat Pump?

Fundamentally, a mini-split works just like any other heat pump. It’s a reversible two-way air conditioner that can pump hot air out of your house in the summer or pull warmer air inside during the winter. (Effectively, it’s cooling the outdoors when working as a heater.)

The difference is that mini-splits are single-room indoor units connected to a smaller outdoor unit rather than having a single central appliance. This brings several significant benefits compared to other heat pumps and other HVAC options in general:

1 – Total temperature control 

When each room has its independent heating/cooling unit, there’s no more arguing over thermostat settings. Each room’s temperature can be tuned to the preference of its occupant. This is also great if you have rooms with special heating needs, such as plants or animals, with unique temperature concerns.

2 – Reduced energy costs

Since you have so much control over each room’s internal climate, you can also shut down the A/C or heat in spaces that don’t need it. This lowers your bills even further!

3 – No need for ducts

If your house doesn’t have central ductwork, there truly is no better option than mini split heat pumps. Retrofitting a house with ducts is incredibly expensive, and ductless units let you avoid that while still enjoying modern A/C.

The biggest drawback to mini-split systems is just the upfront cost. More in-room units mean more hardware to purchase. However, it’s still not that expensive compared to other potential new systems and will pay for itself over time.  

Ductless Mini Split Heat Pump & More Is it time for your Salem, OR, home to get a new HVAC system? Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning is here to help! We’re your Salem experts for heat pumps, and we’ll be glad to talk you through your options. Just click here to contact us!

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